Don’t Let Chinook Blast Blow Past 

The end is nearing, and we’re tearing…

Let’s not get too sentimental just yet! There’s still ONE weekend to go. And we’ve made it well worth your time. 

Just follow the snow-filled trail. Starting at: 

City Hall 

Market Collective is back in post-Valentine’s Day fashion to embrace your love-struck heart or mend it with art. Write a love note to someone else or yourself, listen to local DJs, and visit 50+ creative sellers. 

Olympic Plaza

Move to the Music

Whether you’re tripping or full-on ripping, come skate and listen to these musical artists. If you prefer to be seated and bundled in blankets, that’s also an option. 

February 16: 

Tim Williams as presented by Calgary International Blues Festival – 5 pm

Astral Swans – 6 pm 

Pat Cuikani, ELEMENTO, and La Calavera de Frida as presented by Casa Mexico Foundation – 7 pm

February 17: 

Madhuban Performing Arts – 4 pm

Le Vent du Nord, Cheikh Ibra Fam, and Odario as presented by Block Heater – 6 pm

February 18: 

YYC Music Awards and JazzYYC present Esteban Herrera, Scarlett Butler, the Hi-Tops, and Kam Prada – 12 pm

February 19: 

Lucky Sonne as presented by BIG Winter Classic – 3 pm 

Blast from the Past 

Historical figures come alive to celebrate Heritage Park’s 60th anniversary. Join them for a skate on February 19 from 12 to 4 pm.

It’s a Long Weekend

We couldn’t end on any old weekend. We deserved… sorry, you deserved extra gust-o!

For our finale, come rally: 

Fjord, the polar bear puppet, has escaped the Calgary Zoo to answer all things polar bears at Olympic Plaza on February 18 and 19 from 12 to 3 pm. 

Where’s Wullie? He’s on the loose – can you spot him between the dancers and skaters? Find him on February 19 from 1 to 2 pm, and you could win tickets to Alberta Theater Projects’ The Black Bonspiel of Wullie MacCrimmon. 

Gustovo the Impossiblist is attempting and failing at outrageous stunts. You’re sure to be in stitches, and he may be too. Catch the act on February 19 from 12 to 1 pm.

Stephen Ave

If the trailer’s a rockin’, you better come boppin’. 

Find yourself at the trailer stage outside of the Calgary TELUS Convention Centre for shows by: 

Flowshine – February 16 at 8 pm

Virago – February 17 at 7 pm

I.Con Twins – February 19 at 3 pm 

DoubleSuede – February 19 at 5 pm 

All Around Cow Town 

Our winds are so strong, we can’t be contained to one part of the city. 

Find more festivities and activities: 

Frost Fest has a beer garden + Crokicurl + food trucks. Need we say more? Find the goods at CPA Parking Lot 6 on February 16 from 5 to 10 pm and February 17 from 12 to 8 pm. 

Can’t Stop the Love in Kensington hosts a drag fashion show featuring clothes from neighbourhood boutiques, followed by a performance at the BIA Plaza on February 18 from 12 to 3 pm. 

ISU World Speed Skating Championships are so fast that you’ll have to really watch to catch them as they fly by in the University of Calgary’s Olympic Oval from February 15 to 18. 

FIS Freeski Halfpipe Snow Rodeo features some of the world’s best freestyle skiers. Watch them hit the hill and compete in the stunt ditch at WinSport’s Olympic Park from February 15 – 17. 

There’s Always More 

If you’ve had enough of our romantic rhymes and are ready to skip past Valentine’s Day to the final weekend of Chinook Blast, check out our other events.

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